
Arthur's Missing Pal full movie is released on Jul 01, 2006. Watch Arthur's Missing Pal online - the Spanish Animation movie from United States. Arthur's Missing Pal is directed by Yvette Kaplan and created by Ken Scarborough with Carr Thompson and Daniel Brochu. Arthur's Missing Pal is available online on YouTube Free and VUDU Free.

The movie centers on when Arthur neglects Pal for one day and during that day, Pal manages to get out of the house and sets off on an adventure eating whatever comes his way, and exploring the town of Elwood City. However, once Arthur notices Pal's gone missing, it's up to him and his friends (Buster, Brain, Franchine, Binky, & Prunella) to search the town and find him. With many moments where Arthur & Pal's paths cross (but they end up missing out on each other), it takes Buster, Arthur and DW to connect clues and follow the path Pal's traveled.

As know as:

Arthur, the Movie, Arthur's Missing Pal, Arthur e Seu Melhor Amigo, Arthur e seu Melhor Amigo, Arturek i jego zaginiony przyjaciel


United States



Production Companies:

Lionsgate, Mainframe Entertainment, WGBH

Cast & Crew

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