Episodes (26)

Een grote stap
S03E01 · Een grote stap

Feb 28, 2000

In preparation for Marco's wedding, Fleur makes him 'make up' with Anton. Emma however refuses to witness just because Anton accepted. Fleur's ex Maurits returns after an adventurous world tour, actually hoping to win her back and sabotages Marco's bachelor party go-cart. Abdullah fears he won't succeed his naval navigation exam, but passes.

De zee geeft en de zee neemt
S03E02 · De zee geeft en de zee neemt

Mar 02, 2000

Marco takes Fleur on a surprise honeymoon, to Rhodes, where they have hot love and ultimately too adventurous outings. Marco's wedding photographer Alex becomes Sam's new lover, but suffers from epilepsy. Jacob enjoys his new job as shipbuilding quality inspector, as his first client is Anton and Max's firm's first ship, in Russia. However his new employer orders him to cut them just enough slack to pass. Their joy proves short-lived. When Charlotte finally tells her rich lover Robert ten Dam she's jobless, he proposes a long trip beyond her means. When she has ...

Liefde in het zwart
S03E03 · Liefde in het zwart

Mar 06, 2000

The Greek police treats Marco as homicide suspect after Fleur's tragic drowning but releases him for lack of proof. After Anton's Russian-built ship sunk on its maiden voyage, the insurance investigates his and Jacob's possible accountability. Max also worries about the bad publicity, Anton doctors a fake black box but Boris fails to place it before the real one is found. Jacob's niece Tessa moves in and takes charge when client Tjerk de Baedts orders two ships he originally planned to have built by Anton. Emma is finally ready to make up, but Anton refuses.

S03E04 · Harteloos

Mar 09, 2000

To Marco's horror Emma has hired a detective supposing he murdered Fleur and makes her lawyer sue for an annulment of their marriage. The Noordermeer family lawyer, Alex van der Bilt, also informs Anton, who realizes he and Max would inherit part of her shares. Conny would grant an annulment to save the wharf, Marco couldn't care less. The surprise crown witness brings her own surprise. Meanwhile Tessa has made Conny accept Tjerk de Baedts's order for two ships without arranging for the necessary temporary staff.

Bagger en bloed
S03E05 · Bagger en bloed

Mar 13, 2000

When Anton and Max discover Tjerk de Baedts's order for two ships requires technology they have the right on, setting an excessive fee suffices to force Conny to accept a partnership with them. Even with Marco called to duty from mourning, expert hands are so rare that Charlotte is recruited. The curate persuades even Emma to attend a memorial mass for Fleur and preaches forgiveness, but she contemplates Ed Doeselaar's grim alternative suggestion.

De jacht
S03E06 · De jacht

Mar 16, 2000

Finding De Graaf no longer their patented inventions, which even decline in value now designer Charlotte is improving some herself, Max makes Anton face facts. They end up offering her a 1/3 raise if she defects, but Anton's attitude makes that fall trough. Marco's trauma has given him aqua-phobia. Emma still contemplates horrible 'revenge' helped by Doeselaar.

Over de drempel van de vrees
S03E07 · Over de drempel van de vrees

Mar 20, 2000

Emma's hit-man has failed to kill Marco, who refuses to file a complaint. Later she tries to run him over, can't at the last moment and loses car-control, landing in the port. Marco saves her from drowning. Sofie's Dr. Fabiënne Vermeer goes out with Anton, but tells him she's in love with another. It's Max, who didn't dare hope so. Tessa dates Anton, only to leave him bare-balls in a stripping game.

Hard tegen hart
S03E08 · Hard tegen hart

Mar 23, 2000

De Graaf is weeks behind on schedule, so Marco convinces Connie to start building before all his drawings are formally approved, despite Jacob's wise warning. Max tries twice to break off his adultery with Sofie's doc, but each goodbye-kiss rekindles their carnal fire. Anton suddenly plays the protective son. Learning he and Tessa belong to the rival dynasties only seems to add adventure, but his serial infidelity gets the better of that. Even Charlotte laughs at Emma' project to reunite the Noordermeers for a family party, yet late cancellations bring her a surprise ...

Liefde onder vuur
S03E09 · Liefde onder vuur

Mar 27, 2000

Pressed for staff, Marco recruits inexperienced macho former schoolmate Nancy (ma's idea) Bosman, who pulls a knife on someone who thinks to know him from jail. Furious Charlotte's improved designs are ruining his firm's patents' value, Anton enlists Ruud Wessels to secretly record his own attempt to bribe Jacob into allowing a fast-track procedure. Jacob refuses, but the recording is doctored for the press. Tessa chooses to believe liar Anton's excuses and dates him although banned from all De Graaf properties. Max shocks Fabienne by asking a second opinion, fearing ...

Zwarte panter
S03E10 · Zwarte panter

Mar 30, 2000

Max gets Fabienne back as lover and promises to present her as such to the family. Emma is easy, but Anton furious his virtually mindless mother is 'cheated on'. Anton tells dad he accepts their relationship, but also in confidence that Fabienne has 'meaningless' sex with him while already dating Max. The inspection bureau's second opinion is positive for Marco, who forbade Charlotte to bribe Kooijman. Marco now enters a new revolutionary design for speeded-up approval. Conny finds out Jacob blocked approval.

Geloof, hoop en liefde
S03E11 · Geloof, hoop en liefde

Apr 03, 2000

Max gathers the courage to ask Fabienne to move in with him, which she eagerly accepts. Anton pretends not to mind and fails in manipulating them after pushing Tessa so hard she dumps him too. Connie hoped apologies would win Jacob back, but he stays in a hotel to be rid of her manipulative arrogance.

Franse slag
S03E12 · Franse slag

Apr 06, 2000

Marco finally finds an alternative propeller design. Fabienne is suspended in the hospital, for misdiagnosing a patient's neurological condition. max even promises to guarantee her possible damage due, although she's under-insured. Jacob's boss Anouk du Mee has a crush on him. She keeps Connie away and arranges for them to spend the night in a double room 'due to over-booking' in Marseilles, for a fake inspection.

Het feest dat nooit gevierd werd
S03E13 · Het feest dat nooit gevierd werd

Apr 10, 2000

Jacob's scorned boss wants him promoted away to Pretoria. After Jacob and Connie admit missing each-other, he moves back home. Marco's unwanted design delay is the last drop for client Tjerk de Baedts, who plans to slap a monster fine, enough to break De Graaf. Charlotte finds out and decides to sell her own stock before it plummets, without telling Emma, but their broker does. Jealous Anton poisons Fabienne's perfume to give her a nasty rash and plants his snake in Max's bed, she ruins his shirts. Jacob finds a solution, but also announces his health is ruined.

S03E14 · Kusje

Apr 13, 2000

Cancer-terminal Jacob and Conny decide to enjoy his last months, without telling the kids yet. Marco tells Charlotte who feels ignored when her firing of Marco's former classmate Nacy is overruled. Marco fires him anyway after the mysterious motor-biker Bobby turns up and pulls a knife. Tessa finds out the men are ex-cons and Bobby refused to return to crime, gets him rehired and becomes his lover.

En een nieuw begin
S03E15 · En een nieuw begin

Apr 17, 2000

De Graaf buries founder Jacob. Emma decides to sell her shares to Connie and her house 'to start living' overseas. Nancy asks Tessa on a fancy dinner date, but his car breaking down ruins everything. Anton remains cocky, dreaming of building ships, but Max realizes their antiquated copyright portfolio is a gonner. Nancy borrows 30,000 Euros from a loan-shark for a classy car. Marco fears Noordermeer may be after Schuurmans, a wharf for sale. Anton saves Sam from the even lewder scum she consorted with instead of mourning.

Javaanse jongens
S03E16 · Javaanse jongens

Apr 20, 2000

Noordermeer once more has a wharf rivaling DeGraaf. Emma wants Charlotte in too, Anton and Max refuse. Nancy is happy back on kissing terms with Tessa, but the loan shark's repayment is due, and he can't sell the car back at a fair price. Desperate, he helps Terry's gang break in to steal the wharf's computers, but Tessa finds out. De Graaf counts on an order from Indonesian Sukandar, but Tjerk warns selling technology overseas would make them a pariah. Charlotte smells opportunity.

Wakker in een vreemde wereld
S03E17 · Wakker in een vreemde wereld

Apr 24, 2000

Charlotte has bought her way in as Noordermeer wharf's fourth equal partner waving the Javan deal. The computer theft and Conny's suspicion make it hard to get to the designs needed to sign the contract. Max decides to postpone announcing to Anton his intended wedding to Fabienne and her pregnancy until his formal divorce from Sofie. Just after Fabienne signs the medical certificate of incompetence, Sofie suddenly wakes up shortly, making Max doubt again.

Met het water tot aan de lippen
S03E18 · Met het water tot aan de lippen

Apr 27, 2000

Nancy won a TV as the 1000th customer, but Tessa won't believe him, so they break up. Charlotte seduces him to defect to Noordermeer after giving her notice to De Graaf - she will only miss Marco. Anton is furious to discover that Max has already divorced Sofie, who has recovered enough to return home. Max sets up Fabienne in a love nest, still planning to wed her. Anton is so jealous of Sam's casino mentor, Floris, whom she scorned as too plain, that he leaves his 'rival' in quicksand.

Echo van een liefde
S03E19 · Echo van een liefde

May 01, 2000

Now she knows Nancy really won the TV, Tessa comes make up, until she hears he plans to accept Noordermeer's job offer. Max and pregnant Fabienne want to get married, but he welcomes recovering Sofie home, without telling her yet, which Emma presses for. After Anton rents a yacht to woo her, Sam leaves home for him. Marco, who suspects Charlotte of design theft, and Tessa convince Nancy -again her lover- to become their corporate spy.

De verloren dochter
S03E20 · De verloren dochter

May 04, 2000

Nancy helps Marco by finding out Noordermeer has stolen the Javan Sukandar's contract. And risks his parole, breaking in together to sabotage Charlotte's machinery programming. Conny locks Sam up in the boathouse, but that only allows Anton to break her free and elope to Miami, albeit without having proposed. Max plays Sofie's dutiful husband, but agrees with Fabienne they must get married before their baby is born.

Voorbij Vegas
S03E21 · Voorbij Vegas

May 08, 2000

To the Noordermeers's surprise, Keela arrives as Javan client Sukandar's assistant. Yet tells Anton their son is with her mother in Indonesia, but actually plans with lawyer van Loon to get alimony. To prevent their sabotage being discovered in time, Nancy stays behind at night. Max tells Fabienne Sofie seems to be loosing her memory again. But his love is rekindled. Fabienne finds out and makes him choose when Sofie is declared cured. Rude as ever, Sam has left Anton at the Miami altar, but changes her mind back in Holland and asks ma to attend.

Spitsroeden lopen
S03E22 · Spitsroeden lopen

May 11, 2000

Nancy and Tessa decide to lie together, although the bank refuses him any credit. Keela tries everything to make the Noordermeers care for Junior, so most unwilling Anton would pay generously. It only gets Sofie so maternal again she presses Max for an adoption, adding to pregnant Fabienne's impatience. When Emma tells Sam about Anton's 'family', Sam leaves him. Running for troublesome youths, Connie meets and starts dating gallant old party-animal and businessman Rudi Groeneveld.

Nooit meer als toen
S03E23 · Nooit meer als toen

May 15, 2000

Keela's ship specifications nit-picking drives Noordermeer to despair, so Anton puts Junior in danger, but Nancy saves the boy. Max finally gathers the courage to tell Sofie he's leaving her for Fabienne. To his surprise, she seems to take it well and guesses the pregnancy. But she soon breaks down in several ways. Conny brings Rudi Groeneveld home, but her kids can't even stand him till the end of dinner, Marco fears it's a gold-digger. After Junior causes a fire with Anton's left lighter, he rushes in to save his brat. Now Keela believes him ready for a generous ...

Fooi voor een kind
S03E24 · Fooi voor een kind

May 18, 2000

Emma's mate Ed Doeselaar enjoys Niels's interest in his hunting and gutting. Afterthe boy practices on his class hamster, Charlotte ignores dad Pierre's advice to find out why. Next he barely arrives in time save her life. Sofie is released back home. Fabienne guesses she simulated a relapse but Max refuses to abandon her. Fabienne schedules an abortion. Anton intends to get custody of Junior rather then pay fat alimony, which is thus reduced to pittance after Keela is stopped from fleeing. Marco still mistrusts Conny's regular date Rudi. He tempts her to invest in ...

De laatste vlucht
S03E25 · De laatste vlucht

May 22, 2000

After Nancy refuses to flirt with Charlotte, she fires him, so he and Tessa plan a holiday to Portugal. Burglars beat the Noordermeer night watchman to death and steal 100,000 Euros 'off the books'. A municipal decision dooms Ed and Rudi's investment project. Ed flees but is caught at the airport, only Conny is reimbursed in full, also by Rudy. Fabienne has decide against abortion at the last moment. The Portuguese trip turns sour from a Dutch road-check.

Erop of eronder
S03E26 · Erop of eronder

May 25, 2000

Tessa believes in Nacy's innocence and promises in jail to provide a false alibi, but seeing the security camera recording at his trial changes her mind. Both wharfs have a ship ready to launch. Then Marco demands royalties to tell Charlotte which structural error Noordermeer's has, indeed the result of his sabotage. Charlotte refuses and doesn't tell her family partners until an engineer scanned the ship, but Anton pushes the button. Meanwhile Rudi starts sharing 'Jacob's' bed with Conny, who still desperately wants her kids' approval. Nancy is sentenced, but ...


Westenwind Season 3 (2000) is released on Feb 28, 2000 and the latest season 7 of Westenwind is released in 2002. Watch Westenwind online - the Dutch Drama TV series from Netherlands. Westenwind is directed by Hans Scheepmaker,Marc Willard,Adriënne Wurpel,Pim van Hoeve and created by Johan Nijenhuis with Joep Sertons and Henriëtte Tol.

As know as:

Westenwind, Zachodni wiatr, Ветрови са запада





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