Episodes (20)

Piazzale Loreto e la fine del fascismo
S01E01 · Piazzale Loreto e la fine del fascismo

Apr 05, 2000

Benito Mussolini's profile is described in three phases: the March on Rome and first years of government, the following 15 years, the fall up to the killing in Milan.

Dalla Monarchia alla Repubblica
S01E02 · Dalla Monarchia alla Repubblica

Apr 06, 2000

On June 2, 1946, Italy becomes a Republic after the results of a popular referendum. King Umberto II, in office since May 9, accepts deposition and leaves for Portugal, in exile.

Dalla proclamazione della Repubblica al Trattato di pace
S01E03 · Dalla proclamazione della Repubblica al Trattato di pace

Apr 12, 2000

Between 1946 and 1947, Italian history is marked by three people: Alcide De Gasperi, Palmiro Togliatti and Pope Pius XII. In 1947 Italy signs the Paris Peace Treaties, losing some territories and changing its borders.

Dall'assemblea costituente alla vigilia delle elezioni del 1948
S01E04 · Dall'assemblea costituente alla vigilia delle elezioni del 1948

Apr 13, 2000

Between 1947 and 1948, Constituent Assembly approves the final text of Constitution, while the nation, in a climate of tension, is preparing to face the elections.

Dalle elezioni del 1948 all'attentato a Togliatti
S01E05 · Dalle elezioni del 1948 all'attentato a Togliatti

Apr 19, 2000

1948 is marked by the Christian Democracy's victory in the general elections, the election of Luigi Einaudi as President of the Italian Republic and the attack of fanatic Antonio Pallante against Palmiro Togliatti, who is wounded.

Gli anni di Alcide De Gasperi
S01E06 · Gli anni di Alcide De Gasperi

Apr 20, 2000

From 1948 to 1954, the union division take place, Italy changes from agricultural to industrial country (with migrations from Southern to Northern), Alcide De Gasperi, sick for some time, dies in Borgo Valsugana (Trentino).

La rivolta in Ungheria e l'elezione di Giovanni XXIII
S01E07 · La rivolta in Ungheria e l'elezione di Giovanni XXIII

Apr 26, 2000

The 1950s are marked by the election of Giovanni Gronchi as President of the Republic, the Soviet repression during the Hungarian revolution and the election of Angelo Roncalli as Pope John XXIII.

I successori di De Gasperi e la politica italiana fino alla morte di Togliatti
S01E08 · I successori di De Gasperi e la politica italiana fino alla morte di Togliatti

Apr 27, 2000

From 1955 to 1964, several governments are formed, including one supported by neo-fascists. This decade is marked by three excellent deaths: Pope John XXIII, Enrico Mattei and Palmiro Togliatti.

Il sessantotto e la politica di Berlinguer
S01E09 · Il sessantotto e la politica di Berlinguer

May 03, 2000

Between 1968 and 1969, Italy is shaken by student protests and trade union disputes, while the figure of Enrico Berlinguer emerges in the communist party.

Piazza Fontana e dintorni
S01E10 · Piazza Fontana e dintorni

May 04, 2000

On December 12, 1969, a bomb explodes at the headquarters of Milan National Agrarian Bank, killing 17 peoples. Anarchist Pietro Valpreda is initially indicted, subsequently are accused some far-right militants.

Da piazza Fontana agli anni di piombo
S01E11 · Da piazza Fontana agli anni di piombo

May 10, 2000

The beginning of the 1970s is marked by the law on divorce (confirmed by a referendum vote in 1974) and the election of Giovanni Leone as President of the Republic.

Il terrorismo fino al sequestro e all'uccisione di Aldo Moro
S01E12 · Il terrorismo fino al sequestro e all'uccisione di Aldo Moro

May 11, 2000

In the 1970s far-left terrorism, especially the Red Brigades, carry out robberies, kidnappings, injuries and murders, until the kidnapping and killing of Aldo Moro in 1978.

Giovanni Paolo II e la fine dell'URSS
S01E13 · Giovanni Paolo II e la fine dell'URSS

May 17, 2000

In 1978, Karol Wojtyla becomes Pope John Paul II and in 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev is appointed General Secretary of the CPSU, leading the nation until its dissolution, while Bettino Craxi becomes Prime Minister of Italy.

Il caso Sindona e la P2
S01E14 · Il caso Sindona e la P2

May 18, 2000

In 1981, investigating banker Michele Sindona, magistrates discover Licio Gelli's P2 Lodge, while in 1990 government reveals Gladio's existence (Italian Nato Stay-behind organization ready to intervene in case of foreign invasion).

S01E15 · Tangentopoli

May 24, 2000

With the investigation Mani pulite and the discovery of corruption system called Tangentopoli many politicians are being investigated for corruption. Prosecutors of Milan are the protagonists of investigation, especially Antonio Di Pietro.

La guerra alla mafia
S01E16 · La guerra alla mafia

May 25, 2000

History of Italy is also related to the history of mafia through slaughters, murders, collusion with politics and business people.

La Lega e il dopo P.C.I.
S01E17 · La Lega e il dopo P.C.I.

May 31, 2000

The beginning of the 1990s is marked by the dissolution of the Italian Communist Party, renamed Democratic Party of the Left, and the Northern League's birth (a regionalist political party active especially in Lombardy).

La crisi dei partiti
S01E18 · La crisi dei partiti

Jun 01, 2000

Main political parties, from 1992 to 1994, are delegitimized by corruption investigations and many MPs are being investigated. In this period Oscar Luigi Scalfaro is elected President of the Republic and Carlo Azeglio Ciampi becomes Prime Minister.

Verso il bipolarismo
S01E19 · Verso il bipolarismo

Jun 07, 2000

Silvio Berlusconi enters politics with his political party (Forza Italia) and wins the 1994 general election becoming Prime Minister. However his Cabinet lasts a few months due to internal conflicts with Umberto Bossi.

Dal governo Dini all'Ulivo
S01E20 · Dal governo Dini all'Ulivo

Jun 08, 2000

After Silvio Berlusconi's resignation Lamberto Dini forms a Government of Experts. Romano Prodi wins the 1996 general election and forms a government with the aim of bringing Italy into Eurozone.


La Storia d'Italia di Indro Montanelli Season 1 (2000) is released on Apr 05, 2000. Watch La Storia d'Italia di Indro Montanelli online - the Italian Documentary TV series from Italy. La Storia d'Italia di Indro Montanelli is directed by Enrico Zampini and created by Amilcare Mantegazza with Indro Montanelli and Mario Cervi.

As know as:

La Storia d'Italia di Indro Montanelli





Production Companies:

Cecchi Gori Group Fin.Ma.Vi.

Cast & Crew

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