Episodes (40)

Valley of the Stygimolochs/Tiny Loves Fish
S01E01 · Valley of the Stygimolochs/Tiny Loves Fish

Sep 07, 2009

From PBS KIDS - Valley of the Stygimolochs: Buddy wonders if he'll grow horns when he gets older, so Mrs. Pteranodon takes him to visit some dinosaurs called Stygimoloch, who have really impressive horns. Tiny Loves Fish: After Mr. Pteranodon teaches the kids his fishing method, Buddy and Tiny work together as a team to catch fish in the Big Pond.

The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus/Triceratops for Lunch
S01E02 · The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus/Triceratops for Lunch

Sep 08, 2009

From PBS KIDS - The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus: The family surprises Mom for her birthday with a trip to a concert given by Cory and her family of Corythosaurus, who play music through the crests on their heads. Triceratops for Lunch: Our Pteranodon family eats lunch with their friend Tank Triceratops and discovers that he and his family are all plant-eaters, with great leaf-eating teeth and giant appetites!

Beating the Heat/Flowers for Mom
S01E03 · Beating the Heat/Flowers for Mom

Sep 07, 2009

From PBS KIDS - Beating the Heat: Buddy and Tiny travel to the Jurassic to make a new friend, Morris Stegosaurus, and discover how this huge dinosaur keeps cool in the heat. Flowers for Mom: The kids go to the Big Pond to look for flowers to give to Mom on her special Mothers Day. They find many different flowers while following a very busy bee.

I'm a T.Rex!/Ned the Quadruped
S01E04 · I'm a T.Rex!/Ned the Quadruped

Sep 10, 2009

From PBS KIDS - I'm a T-Rex!: Buddy travels to Rexville on the Dinosaur Train and meets Delores Tyrannosaurus and her daughter Annie. When he sees that he shares all the same features, Buddy learns that he is a Tyrannosaurus rex! Ned the Quadruped: Buddy and Tiny tour the Dinosaur Train and earn their Junior Conductor hats while their friend Ned, a four-legged, long-necked Brachiosaurus and regular Train rider, tags along.

One Smart Dinosaur/Petey the Peteinosaurus
S01E05 · One Smart Dinosaur/Petey the Peteinosaurus

Sep 11, 2009

From PBS KIDS - One Smart Dinosaur: Buddy and Tiny want to test their memory, so they ride the Dinosaur Train and spend some time with the Conductor, since he's a Troodon with a great memory. The kids get to meet the Conductor's mom, Mrs. Conductor. Petey the Peteinosaurus: Buddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Petey Peteinosaurus, a "flying lizard," who is fun, funny, and friendly, and has some features similar to both Buddy and Tiny!

Fast Friends/T.Rex Teeth
S01E06 · Fast Friends/T.Rex Teeth

Sep 17, 2009

From PBS KIDS - Fast Friends: Buddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Oren and Ollie Ornithomimus, some of the fastest dinosaurs ever! The kids love meeting the fast-moving and fast-talking twins. T-Rex Teeth: When Buddy loses a tooth, Mom takes him to Rexville to ask his Tyrannosaurus friends all about T-Rex teeth. They explain that he'll grow new teeth to replace the old ones.

Now with Feathers!/A Frill a Minute
S01E07 · Now with Feathers!/A Frill a Minute

Oct 18, 2009

Dad, Buddy and Tiny take a special ride on the Dinosaur Train at night, learning about animals that are active after dark, culminating at the Big Pond for a nature walk under the full moon.

One Big Dinosaur/Play Date with Annie
S01E08 · One Big Dinosaur/Play Date with Annie

Sep 21, 2009

From PBS KIDS - One Big Dinosaur: Tiny and Buddy visit a dinosaur family called Argentinosaurus, some of the biggest land creatures ever! The kids find out there are great things about being really big, and that it's also great being their own size. Play Date with Annie: Buddy is excited that his friend Annie Tyrannosaurus is coming to the Pteranodon nest to visit and play. After Tiny feels left out, Buddy and Annie show her that they can all be friends!

Armored Like an Ankylosaurus/Campout!
S01E09 · Armored Like an Ankylosaurus/Campout!

Sep 22, 2009

The kids travel on the Dinosaur Train with Mr. Pteranodon to see his hero, Hank Ankylosaurus, play a game of Dinoball.

Laura the Giganotosaurus/Dinosaur Poop!
S01E10 · Laura the Giganotosaurus/Dinosaur Poop!

Sep 29, 2009

Buddy spends time with Laura Giganotosaurus, a large dinosaur who always rides the Dinosaur Train and, like Buddy, is a three-toed theropod!

Derek the Deinonychus/Don's Dragonfly
S01E11 · Derek the Deinonychus/Don's Dragonfly

Sep 30, 2009

Buddy, Tiny and Mom visit a family of Deinonychus, dinosaurs with large, sharp toe-claws.

One Small Dinosaur/T.Rex Migration
S01E12 · One Small Dinosaur/T.Rex Migration

Oct 01, 2009

Mrs. Pteranodon takes Buddy and Tiny to visit a Mikey Microraptor, one of the smallest of dinosaurs ever.

Hootin' Hadrosaurs!/Hatching Party
S01E13 · Hootin' Hadrosaurs!/Hatching Party

Nov 09, 2009

Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don meet Perry Parasaurolophus, a dinosaur with a crest on his head who teaches them a new way to hoot some hip music.

The Teropod Club/Surprise Party
S01E14 · The Teropod Club/Surprise Party

Nov 10, 2009

Buddy's Theropod Club meets with other dinosaurs that walk on two legs, eat meat, and have three toed feet.

The Old Spinosaurus & the Sea/A Spiky Tail Tale
S01E15 · The Old Spinosaurus & the Sea/A Spiky Tail Tale

Nov 11, 2009

Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to fish in a new place, where they meet a huge, grumpy old dinosaur, called a Spinosaurus, that doesn't want the kids in his Sea.

Night Train/Fossil Fred (Halloween)
S01E16 · Night Train/Fossil Fred (Halloween)

Nov 12, 2009

Night Train (Halloween): Dad, Buddy and Tiny take a special spooky "Night Train" ride on the Dinosaur Train at night, learning about nocturnal animals that are active after dark, culminating at the Big Pond for a spooky scavenger hunt under the full moon. Fossil Fred (Halloween): Buddy, Tiny and Don play "detective" and search around the Big Pond for fossils. The kids end up finding an entire skeleton of a Jurassic dinosaur.

Dinosaurs in the Snow/Cretaceous Conifers
S01E17 · Dinosaurs in the Snow/Cretaceous Conifers

Dec 14, 2009

Buddy and his Pteranodon family ride the Dinosaur Train to the North Pole - where it's cooler out and the skies are dark all winter long!

The Burrowers/Shiny's Sea Shells
S01E18 · The Burrowers/Shiny's Sea Shells

Jan 18, 2010

The Pteranodon family rides the Dinosaur Train to meet a family of amazing, burrowing dinosaurs that live in holes and put on a "Cirque de Soleil" kind of acrobatic show every evening!

King Cryolophosaurus/Buddy the Tracker
S01E19 · King Cryolophosaurus/Buddy the Tracker

Feb 15, 2010

Buddy, Tiny, Don and Mom meet a reclusive, singing dinosaur named King who has a big swooping crest on his head and a voice that sounds an awful lot like Elvis Presley.

The Old Bird/Diamond Don
S01E20 · The Old Bird/Diamond Don

Feb 16, 2010

Buddy, Tiny and Mom make a play date with Petey Peteinosaurus to ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Arlene Archeopteryx, a bird from the family of the oldest birds ever!

Dinosaur Camouflage/Family Scavenger Hunt
S01E21 · Dinosaur Camouflage/Family Scavenger Hunt

Apr 12, 2010

Buddy and Tiny meet a shy dinosaur, Leslie Lesothosaurus, who is very good at hiding.

Have You Heard About the Herd?/Jess Hesperornis
S01E22 · Have You Heard About the Herd?/Jess Hesperornis

Apr 13, 2010

Tiny and Buddy are psyched to go to the Cretaceous Picnic Grounds where they meet Ernie Einiosaurus, who shows them how he lives in a large herd!

Triassic Turtle/Tank's Baby Brother
S01E23 · Triassic Turtle/Tank's Baby Brother

May 03, 2010

Don mistakes a shell for a rock and meets Adam Adocus, a turtle with a head he can pull into his shell.

Erma Eoraptor/Under the Volcano
S01E24 · Erma Eoraptor/Under the Volcano

May 04, 2010

Buddy, Tiny, and Mrs. Pteranodon go on an expedition to find Erma Eoraptor, a member of the first species of dinosaur that ever lived.

Pteranodon Family World Tour/Gilbert the Junior Conductor
S01E25 · Pteranodon Family World Tour/Gilbert the Junior Conductor

May 24, 2010

The entire Pteranodon family embarks on a roaring, exploring, World Tour adventure!

Confuciusornis Says/Tiny's Tiny Doll
S01E26 · Confuciusornis Says/Tiny's Tiny Doll

May 25, 2010

The next stop on the World Tour takes the Pteranodons to Confuciusornis Gardens to visit a very wise, old dinosaur.

Iggy Iguanodo/Shiny Can't Sleep
S01E27 · Iggy Iguanodo/Shiny Can't Sleep

May 26, 2010

The Pteranodon family continues their World Tour and meets Iggy Iguanodon, a funny chap who shows them his unique way of walking while leading our family to some white cliffs where Dad is very excited to fish and dine!

Kenny Kentrosaurus/Don and the Troodons
S01E28 · Kenny Kentrosaurus/Don and the Troodons

May 27, 2010

As the Pteranodon's World Tour nears its end, the Pteranodon family travels to Africa to meet a Stegosaur named Kenny Kentrosaurus.

New Neighbors/Don's Collection
S01E29 · New Neighbors/Don's Collection

Jul 12, 2010

Mr. Pteranodon is annoyed when a new hooting family moves in next door! The new neighbors are a family of Lambeosaurus.

Long Claws/Tank's Sleep Over
S01E30 · Long Claws/Tank's Sleep Over

Jun 28, 2010

Buddy, Tiny, Don and Mrs. Pteranodon head to the thicket to ask a Therizinosaurus family about their colossal claws.

The Wing Kings/The Big Mud Pit
S01E31 · The Wing Kings/The Big Mud Pit

Jun 22, 2010

The Pteranodon family stretches their wings at Quetzalcoatlus Canyon, where Mr. Pteranodon flew when he was younger and nicknamed, the "Wing King."

Buck-Tooth Bucky/Tiny's Tiny Friend
S01E32 · Buck-Tooth Bucky/Tiny's Tiny Friend

Sep 27, 2010

Don finds a mystery tooth in Dad's old tooth collection, and the Pteranodon family goes on a fun investigation.

An Armored Tall Tale/Pterosaur Flying Club
S01E33 · An Armored Tall Tale/Pterosaur Flying Club

Nov 08, 2010

The Pteranodons tag along as Hank Ankylosaurus goes out to scout a Dinoball talent named Eugene Euoplocephalus.

The Good Mom/Diamond Anniversary
S01E34 · The Good Mom/Diamond Anniversary

Jul 09, 2010

Mom's the word when Mrs. Pteranodon meets fellow mom Millie Maiasaura, who is a little too over-protective of her kids.

Great Big Stompin Dinosaur Feet/Hornucopia
S01E35 · Great Big Stompin Dinosaur Feet/Hornucopia

Oct 18, 2010

Tiny is very worried after she loses Shiny's favorite shiny shell, and enlists Dad and Buddy to help find a new one.

Elmer Elasmosaurus/Dinosaur Block Party
S01E36 · Elmer Elasmosaurus/Dinosaur Block Party

Sep 28, 2010

The family takes the Aquacar to an underwater train station to transport Elmer Elasmosaurus back home; a block party introduces the Lambeosaurus family to their neighbors.

Carla Cretoxyrhina/Train Trouble
S01E37 · Carla Cretoxyrhina/Train Trouble

Oct 11, 2010

On this underwater excursion, the Pteranodon family meets up with Carla Cretoxyrhina, a young shark who turns out to be much nicer than her reputation suggests.

The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers/Dad's Day Out
S01E38 · The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers/Dad's Day Out

Nov 19, 2010

The Pteranodon family travels deep underwater on the Dinosaur Train to view two backwards-bounding brothers named Max and Mitch Michelinoceras. The kids are delighted to see that Max and Mitch put on a synchronized swimming show.

Paulie Pliosaurus/Elmer Visits the Desert
S01E39 · Paulie Pliosaurus/Elmer Visits the Desert

Aug 23, 2010

The Pteranodon family takes the Dinosaur Train underwater to visit a marine reptile called Paulie Pliosaurus, a creature known as the "T. rex of the Ocean."

Junior Conductor Jamboree/Troodon Train Day
S01E40 · Junior Conductor Jamboree/Troodon Train Day

May 06, 2011

Our kids ride the Dinosaur Train from one end of the line to the other, through all three Time Periods -- from the Cretaceous, through the Jurassic, to the Triassic.


Dinosaur Train Season 1 (2009) is released on Sep 07, 2009 and the latest season 6 of Dinosaur Train is released in 2013. Watch Dinosaur Train online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Dinosaur Train is directed by Terry Izumi,Karl Toerge,Craig Bartlett and created by Craig Bartlett with Ian James Corlett and Erika-Shaye Gair. Dinosaur Train is available online on PBS Kids Amazon Channel and Hoopla.

As know as:

Влакът на динозаврите(Bulgarian), Dinosaur Train(English), Dinozavrlar poyezdi, Dinosaur Train, Voz dinosaurusa(Bosnian, reissue title)


United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore



Production Companies:

Media Development Authority (MDA), Snee-Oosh Productions, Sparky Animation Studio

Official Site:

PBS kids

Cast & Crew

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