Episodes (25)

The Little Match Girl
S11E01 · The Little Match Girl

Sep 24, 1992

Rebecca is in a reflective mood after Woody and Kelly's wedding. Rebecca vows to change her life. Her symbol of change is stubbing out the cigarette she is smoking, the last cigarette she vows to ever smoke. After that act, she dumps the cigarette filled ashtray into the wastebasket in the bar office. The next day, Sam, called in by the fire department, arrives at the half burnt down bar. Hysterical, Sam really wants to believe this fire is just another gag by Gary, but the reality of the matter sinks in. Once he realizes that he has insurance to cover the damages, ...

The Beer Is Always Greener
S11E02 · The Beer Is Always Greener

Oct 01, 1992

Sam and Rebecca are preparing for the grand reopening of Cheers. One of Rebecca's last tasks is to deal with the telephone repairman, a Lothario called Bernard who mistakenly thinks he's God's gift to women. Bernard has a belief system about every woman, including Rebecca, who turns down his advances. In the intervening time, Woody has been on his honeymoon with Kelly, although honeymoon is not quite what they would call it as they fought the entire time regarding their religious differences which they see as a major obstacle in having a meaningful and successful ...

The King of Beers
S11E03 · The King of Beers

Oct 08, 1992

A slot machine is accidentally sent to the bar. Everyone is hooked on playing it, which for them is not a bad thing as the machine is paying out to everyone, that is except to Rebecca. She sees her losing streak on the machine as a metaphor of her life. Feeling sorry for her, Sam has the machine rigged to pay out to Rebecca to make her feel better. That act doesn't quite come out as planned. Fortunes seem to be on the upswing for Norm. A stint on a beer tasting survey panel parlays itself into a paid position at the brewery as a quality taste tester. Norm is in ...

The Magnificent Six
S11E04 · The Magnificent Six

Oct 22, 1992

Sam catches Rebecca smoking in the office, a no-no considering that's how the bar burnt down. Sam thinks Rebecca needs professional help and finds the harshest stop smoking program for her. The stop smoking doctor, Dr. Kluger, and Rebecca, have a war of wills. Dr. Kluger may have met his match. Meanwhile, Sam hires Henrí on a temporary basis as a bartender while Woody is on his honeymoon. On his first shift, ladies-man Henrí bets Sam that he can get more women's telephone numbers than Sam by midnight. Although initially reluctant to partake in the bet despite pressure...

Do Not Forsake Me, O' My Postman
S11E05 · Do Not Forsake Me, O' My Postman

Oct 29, 1992

Because Gary's Olde Towne Tavern is advertising heavily, Sam and Rebecca decide to hire an ad company to write a jingle for the bar. As Rebecca has only $200 to spend on such, the ad company foists Sy Flembeck, their resident hack writer, onto the Cheers account. Sy is not very creative or original. All his jingles are placed to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm, and spell out the establishment's name in place of "E-I-E-I-O", even if there are more or less than five letters. But Sy's approach to jingles may actually have the desired if unintended effect of good ...

Teaching with the Enemy
S11E06 · Teaching with the Enemy

Nov 05, 1992

Patrons from a closed down bikers' bar start frequenting Cheers, which leads to fights and other problems at Cheers. To deal with these problems, Sam decides to hire Tiny, the former bouncer from that bar. Tiny does stop fights from happening, however he also scares away many of Cheers' regular customers. Sam realizes that Tiny has to go, but Sam and everyone else is scared of Tiny and Sam thus can't fire him. So the gang devise ways to get Tiny to leave on his own. This problem is nothing compared to Frasier's. Lilith just started cheating on Frasier with her ...

The Girl in the Plastic Bubble
S11E07 · The Girl in the Plastic Bubble

Nov 12, 1992

Frasier is still wallowing in Lilith's announcement that she is leaving him for her colleague, Dr. Louis Pascal. What's worse, she has decided to let Frasier have sole custody of Frederick - or in Frasier's mind, abandoning her only child - and live in an underground bubble in the desert, an "eco-pod" with Dr. Pascal. The eco-pod is Dr. Pascal's primary scientific experiment. She wants a trial separation for the time she's gone to live in the eco-pod. She's sees her act as the first and only time she's let loose in her life. Frasier's response is to get on the ledge ...

Ill-Gotten Gaines
S11E08 · Ill-Gotten Gaines

Nov 19, 1992

On Thanksgiving, all the orphaned bar regulars gather for dinner at Cheers. These include recently-separated Frasier and his son Frederick; Carla and three of her kids--Lucinda, Jesse, and Elvis; a Vera-less and somewhat-confused Norm with his Barcalounger; a Ma-less Cliff; host and hostess Sam and Rebecca; and briefly and unexpectedly, John Allen Hill, whose kitchen, silverware, dishes, and candlesticks the gang are using. Woody is having dinner with the Gaineses; Mr. Gaines recently made Woody sign a power of attorney document, and Sam thinks that the Gaines family ...

Feelings... Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
S11E09 · Feelings... Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

Dec 03, 1992

Cliff is convinced that his new neighbor is Adolf Hitler. If not for Ma standing up for him, Cliff would be evicted from the building for harassment. But Cliff's still not convinced as to his neighbor's true identity. Meanwhile, Carla and John Allen Hill continue their love-hate relationship. However it has gone to a new level, to a love-hate-heart attack stage. Hill had a heart attack while they were making love. Seemingly indifferent to the heart attack since Hill is just a romp in the hay, Carla eventually breaks down in tears since "her boyfriend" had a heart attack. She ...

Daddy's Little Middle-Aged Girl
S11E10 · Daddy's Little Middle-Aged Girl

Dec 10, 1992

Woody and Kelly argue once again about the difference in their monetary status. Kelly wants to live in a house purchased by her father. Woody, not wanting any Gaines money, wants them to live in his old apartment as that's all he can afford. They compromise, which shows them that one side might be more correct in their outlook than the other. Meanwhile, Rebecca's father, Navy Captain Franklin E. Howe, comes to Boston for a visit. A tough as nails man and father, he demands that Rebecca, who has screwed up her life in Boston, move back to San Diego into her old room at...

Love Me, Love My Car
S11E11 · Love Me, Love My Car

Dec 17, 1992

Woody's parents get a gift for Kelly and Woody: small pet pig named Snuffles. Pet is somewhat of a misnomer as the Boyds, from a farming background, see Snuffles as Christmas dinner. Rebecca has an immediate connection with Snuffles as an animal. She wants to buy Snuffles after she hears about its ultimate fate. When Woody won't sell, Rebecca sets Snuffles free in the country. When Rebecca hears who ends up finding Snuffles, she sees the story as a Christmas miracle, until... Meanwhile, Sam starts dating Susan Metheny, the widow of Kirby, the man who bought Sam's ...

Sunday Dinner
S11E12 · Sunday Dinner

Jan 07, 1993

With new video camera in hand, Cliff and assistant Norm are hired by a man named Peter to videotape his parents' 50th-wedding-anniversary celebrate to be held at Cheers. Halfway through the proceedings, the camera's battery dies and Cliff has no alternate power supply. Norm wants Cliff to tell Peter, but Cliff continues "filming" anyway. Meanwhile, Frasier has a new temporary secretary, 21-year-old Shauna, who directly, unabashedly hits on him; on Sam's urging, Frasier takes her up on her offer of Sunday dinner at her house. Frasier is nervous about what seems like a ...

Norm's Big Audit
S11E13 · Norm's Big Audit

Jan 14, 1993

The gang decide to watch an old Red Sox game on a classic sports channel, a game in which Sam played. As this game took place during one of his drunk years, Sam is unsure if he played well or made a fool of himself in the game. Since he finds out he pitched three innings in the game, he assumes he played well. After Sam makes a big deal about watching the game, Carla reminds him that that game was indeed not one of his finest moments. Sam does whatever he can to prevent the gang from watching it. Meanwhile, Norm is being audited. The auditor is Dot Carroll, a ...

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Bar
S11E14 · It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Bar

Jan 21, 1993

Robin returns to Cheers, destitute. He has renounced his previous greedy ways, gave away the $6 million he had hidden in Rebecca's desk drawer and has decided to live a life of simple poverty. But admittedly, he still has feelings for Rebecca. Rebecca still has feelings for Robin, or at least for the $6 million she thinks he has. She thinks he's just testing her and that he still is rich. In the intervening time, Robin implied to the gang in an indirect way that he has hid another money belt filled with $6 million somewhere in the bar. Sam, Carla, Frasier, Norm and ...

Loathe and Marriage
S11E15 · Loathe and Marriage

Feb 04, 1993

Eighteen year old Serafina, Carla's daughter, announces that she is pregnant and wants to marry the father, a retired police officer living off disability who she loves. After discussing the issue, Carla gives Serafina her blessing and her financial support for the wedding. With her connection to Hill, Carla manages to arrange for the ceremony at Melville's - she's afraid of the bad wedding karma history at Cheers - and the reception at Cheers. Despite Carla's meticulous planning to avoid any problems, a last minute Star Trek (1966) theme and some surprise guests may ruin the day for...

Is There a Doctor in the Howe?
S11E16 · Is There a Doctor in the Howe?

Feb 11, 1993

Frasier gets a Dear John letter from Lilith, who is still in the eco-pod. She wants a divorce since she and Dr. Pascal aka Googie have committed to their love. A flood of negative emotions flow out of him. Rebecca suggests to the gang that they throw Frasier a divorce party to cheer him up, complete with stripper. Frasier is touched by the gesture, but is still depressed and a bit drunk at the end of the evening, so Rebecca offers to drive him home. After he invites her in for coffee, one thing leads to another which leads to the bedroom. Before they can really get ...

The Bar Manager, the Shrink, His Wife and Her Lover
S11E17 · The Bar Manager, the Shrink, His Wife and Her Lover

Feb 18, 1993

It was Lilith that walked in on Frasier and Rebecca as they were about to make love for the first time. All three are shocked at their situation and Lilith, the most confused, runs off to Cheers to get some answers from Sam as to what's been going on with her husband. Sam and the gang at the bar are as equally shocked by Lilith's news as Lilith was to see it. However it's not quite as simple for Frasier, who refuses to take Lilith back as easily as she wants. There is still the issue of the Dear John letter she wrote him. Apparently the letter was written by Dr. ...

The Last Picture Show
S11E18 · The Last Picture Show

Feb 25, 1993

Cliff and Norm mourn the closing of the Twi-Lite Drive-In Theater and its associated memories of simpler times. In Ma Clavin's classic convertible, Cliff, Norm, Woody and newbie drive-inner Frasier - who ends up being trunk boy - head off to watch a Gojira (1954) triple-header on the theater's last night. The foursome have a mixed evening at the theater, which includes enduring Cliff and Ma's rules of car etiquette and several run-ins with an angry car neighbor. But it's Ma's convertible that takes the brunt of the evening's battles. While the foursome are at the drive-in, Gus ...

Bar Wars VII: The Naked Prey
S11E19 · Bar Wars VII: The Naked Prey

Mar 18, 1993

It's the annual St. Patrick's Day battle of sales between Cheers and Gary's Olde Towne Tavern. Not only does Cheers lose the battle of the hi-jinx with an unsuspecting Woody taking the brunt of the battle, Cheers also loses the sales bet. Sam has finally had as much as he can take not only with the loss once again to Gary's but performing the most humiliating task he and the guys have had to endure due to the loss. Sam threatens Gary and decides to pull out one of the biggest guns he knows: Harry the Hat. Sam asks Harry to devise and execute the ultimate plan to beat ...

Look Before You Sleep
S11E20 · Look Before You Sleep

Apr 01, 1993

Sam gets locked out of his apartment and is on a hunt for a place to stay.

Woody Gets an Election
S11E21 · Woody Gets an Election

Apr 22, 1993

When City Councilman Kevin Fogarty comes to Cheers on his re-election campaign spouting a whole lot of political nothings that nonetheless woos the crowd, Frasier bets the gang that he can even get a trained monkey on the ballot and garner 10% of the vote. Without a trained monkey in sight, Frasier chooses Woody as a good surrogate. Frasier does indeed get enough signatures to get Woody on the ballot. Woody helps his own political cause when Holly Matheson, a local reporter covering the City Hall beat, mistakes Woody's farm talk as an analogy for the problems of City ...

It's Lonely on the Top
S11E22 · It's Lonely on the Top

Apr 29, 1993

Because of Woody's civic election win, Sam needs another bartender, a job he gives to Carla. To celebrate, Carla whips up a batch of one of her powerhouse drinks for the guys. The day after, everyone has a hangover. What's worse, Carla, who imbibed and got drunk herself, has a sneaking suspicion that she took someone home and slept with him, that person she believes being one of the Cheers regulars. She confides in Sam alone, and after he tells her it wasn't him, she panics and they both ponder who it could have been, with her worse nightmare having it be Cliff. When ...

Rebecca Gaines, Rebecca Loses
S11E23 · Rebecca Gaines, Rebecca Loses

May 06, 1993

Rebecca is having her rich man obsession again, the object of her affection this time being Mr. Gaines. Although she has never really had any interest in him before, their shared knowledge of classical music - for her, it's more of a loathing due to her forced classical music upbringing - brings them together. He invites her over to his house for an evening of classical music. This evening is not quite what either expects, which in turn makes Rebecca do some things she probably would like to forget. Rebecca ultimately comes to a realization about her rich man ...

The Guy Can't Help It
S11E24 · The Guy Can't Help It

May 13, 1993

Don Santry walks into the bar and into Rebecca's life. He's the repairman called in to fix the bar tap. Although Don is not Rebecca's usual type, Frasier talks her into taking a chance when she states that someone like a Don is what she should be going after. Quickly, she falls head over heals, but Sam thinks she's settling for second best. He wants Rebecca to be his fall-back if in a couple of years he has not found "Mrs. Malone". Rebecca shoots back that he is an aging Lothario way past his prime. Frasier suggests to Sam, who is hurt by Rebecca's comments, that ...

One for the Road
S11E25 · One for the Road

May 20, 1993

Woody embarks on his new life as City Councilman. Norm embarks on his new life as civil servant as Woody pulled some strings to get him an accounting job at City Hall. And Rebecca and Sam embark on their new relationships... possibly. Don asks Rebecca to marry him. Will her regular "I've got to marry a rich man" impulse makes her say no? And after seeing her win an ACE Cable Award on television, Sam makes the decision to get in touch with Diane. Sam lies to her about how happy he is in his life, and he suspects that she too is lying about how happy her married life is...


Cheers Season 11 (1992) is released on Sep 24, 1992 and the latest season 11 of Cheers is released in 1992. Watch Cheers online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Cheers is directed by James Burrows,Andy Ackerman,Thomas Lofaro,John Ratzenberger and created by James Burrows with Ted Danson and Rhea Perlman. Cheers is available online on Paramount Plus and Paramount+ Amazon Channel.

The lives of the disparate group of employees and patrons at a Boston watering hole called "Cheers" over eleven years is presented. Over much of this period, Sam Malone (Ted Danson), a womanizing ex-Boston Red Sox pitcher and an alcoholic, owns the bar, its purchase and this life, which was his salvation from his alcoholism, which was largely the cause of the end of his baseball career. He ends up having a love-hate relationship with intellectual Diane Chambers (Shelley Long), who he hired as a waitress and whose cultured mentality is foreign to anyone else in the bar. He also has an evolving relationship with Rebecca Howe (Kirstie Alley), who managed the bar for the Lily Corporation, which bought it from Sam, but whose outward business savvy belied the fact that she was a mess of a woman who was struggling to find her place in life. The regular patrons are largely a bunch of self-identified losers, who bond because of their shared place in life, and because "Cheers" is their home away from home, and in many ways more a home than their actual home as witnessed by the fact that there "everybody knows your name".

As know as:

Sams bar, Skål, Prost Helmut!, Cin cin, チアーズ


United States



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The Laughs Are On The House!


Philippa Hawker
The Age (Australia)
It Is a dark, suitably melancholy atmosphere as the bar becomes a sight for sore eyes, a place that Is no longer a refuge.
by rottentomatoes, Feb 09, 2021
Noel Holston
Minneapolis Star Tribune
As Cheers writers had done so often over the course of 275 episodes, the Charles brothers danced up to the edge of easy sentiment, then spun away with a wink.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 15, 2021
Susan Stewart
Detroit Free Press
After all the hype... it would be a miracle if the last episode of Cheers could still move you. But then Cheers has always been at least a minor miracle. Thursday night's final episode of the 11-year-old NBC sitcom was a 98-minute masterpiece.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 15, 2021

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