The Painted Veil Trailer & Clips


The Painted Veil full movie is released on Jan 19, 2007. Watch The Painted Veil online - the English Drama movie from China , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $26,910,847. The Painted Veil is directed by John Curran and created by Ron Nyswaner with Catherine An and Bin Li. The Painted Veil is available online on Hoopla and Apple iTunes.

This love story has Kitty (Naomi Watts) meeting young, intelligent, shy and somewhat dull Dr. Walter Fane (Edward Norton), whose forte is the study of infectious diseases, and the convenient marriage to which she finds herself committed. It is in this web of intrigue that they head for China, only after Walter discovers Kitty's infidelity with the dashing and witty diplomat Charlie Townsend (Liev Schreiber). So much as to hide her from herself and to help thwart a cholera outbreak, this is a marriage more than on the rocks. This is a cold, indifferent, and loveless partnership in a vast unknown and deadly environment that will test both of these flightless lovebirds and with the hardships and tolerances more than any had ever anticipated. A visual delight amidst the pain and suffering of dying people and failing marriage. Will a cure be found for both, before it's too late?

As know as:

El velo pintado, Színes fátyol, Valul pictat, ペインテッド・ヴェール ある貴婦人の過ち, Le voile des illusions

Release Date:

Dec 20, 2006

Release Date (Streaming):

May 06, 2008


China, United States, Canada


English, Mandarin, French

Stream Service:

Warner Independent

Production Companies:

WIP, Stratus Film Co., Bob Yari Productions

Official Site:

Warner Bros.

Gross worldwide:



Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people, Forgiveness comes at a price


Roger Moore
Orlando Sentinel
by rottentomatoes, May 13, 2009
Sandra Hall
Sydney Morning Herald
It's a wallow and I confess to wholeheartedly enjoying the plunge.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 08, 2008
Anthony Quinn
Independent (UK)
John Curran controls the redemptive spirit of Maugham's book with merciful restraint, and gets excellent performances all round.
by rottentomatoes, Apr 27, 2007

Cast & Crew

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