
Parallels full movie is released on Mar 01, 2015. Watch Parallels online - the English Action movie from United States. Parallels is directed by Christopher Leone and created by Laura Harkcom with Mark Hapka and Jessica Rothe. Parallels is available online on Apple iTunes and Amazon Video.

PARALLELS is a science-fiction adventure series that follows the story of a small band of people traveling across parallel earths. The group is led by an estranged brother and sister, Ronan and Beatrix Carver, who are looking for their father. What they discover is that their family is shattered across multiple earths. The question is: can they put their family back together again?

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As know as:

Parallels, Паралели, Parallels - Reise in neue Welten, Параллели, 平行宇宙

Release Date:

Mar 01, 2015


United States



Production Companies:

20th Digital Studio


What is the building?

Cast & Crew

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