Heimat is a Space in Time Trailer & Clips


Heimat is a Space in Time (also know as Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit) full movie is released on Mar 13, 2020. Watch Heimat is a Space in Time online - the German Documentary movie from Germany , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $1,398. Heimat is a Space in Time is directed by Thomas Heise and created by Thomas Heise with Thomas Heise and . Heimat is a Space in Time is available online on Kanopy and OVID.

As know as:

Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit, Heimat Is a Space in Time, Heimat is a Space in Time, Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit, Heimat est un Espace dans Le Temps(French)


Germany, Austria


German, Korean

Production Companies:

Ma.Ja.De Filmproduktion, Navigator Film., ZDF / 3sat

Official Site:

Official site (Japan)

Gross worldwide:


Cast & Crew

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