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Cradle of Fear full movie is released on Jul 04, 2001. Watch Cradle of Fear online - the English Horror movie from United Kingdom. Cradle of Fear is directed by Alex Chandon and created by Alex Chandon with Dani Filth and Emily Booth.

In London, Detective Pete Neilson is investigating several bloody and gruesome murders with all the victims connected to the trial of the serial killer Kemper that is interned in the Fenham Asylum. Melissa has one night stand with a sick man she met in a Gothic club and while going to the house her friend Natalie on the next morning, she has the sensation that she is surrounded by demons. Sooner she finds that she carries an offspring of the man. Emma and Sophie go to the house of an old man to steal his money, but their robbery becomes violent when the dweller wakes up. Nick has a great complex with his beloved girlfriend Nikki because his leg was amputated in an accident. He becomes deranged, gets a leg and forces his doctor to implant it, with tragic results. Richard Neilson, the son of Detective Neilson, works in an Internet company and becomes obsessed with snuff movies in a website, where the user can select the means of killing the victim, losing his job. When the site vanishes, Richard seeks information finding the truth about the movies.

As know as:

Nascido do Inferno, クレイドル・オブ・フィアー, Kołyska strachu, Le Berceau des Cauchemars, Mahde Tars


United Kingdom



Production Companies:

Pragmatic Pictures Ltd.


It's Not If They Die... It's How

Cast & Crew

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