Déjà Vu

All Season (1)

Season 1

Mar 05, 2013

After losing everything, a prima ballerina accepts a stranger's offer to dial back time and reclaim what was taken from her -- but at a great price.

Cast & Crew


Déjà Vu is released in 2013. Watch Déjà Vu all seasons full episodes online - the Spanish Action TV series from Colombia. Déjà Vu is directed by Juan Francisco Pérez Villalba and created by Juan Francisco Pérez Villalba with Julián Trujillo and Clara Mejía.

Déjà Vu is a 12 episodes web series that tells the story of Sebastian, a young man who can see tragedies before they happen and therefore having the opportunity to change them. What he doesn't know is that in doing that he will change other's faith unleashing events that not only will put them in danger but also his own life and the one of the woman he loves.

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What would happened if you could see a tragedy that has not happened yet?