Buddy DeFranco

Buddy DeFranco

actor, soundtrack

Buddy DeFranco was born on Feb 17, 1923 in USA. Buddy DeFranco's big-screen debut came with Thrill of a Romance directed by Richard Thorpe in 1945, strarring Member Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra (uncredited).

Clarinetist, bandleader, arranger, conductor and composer, educated at the Mastbaum School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also studied with Meyer Levin and Ross Wyre. At fourteen, he won a Major Bowes competition and a Tommy Dorsey swing contest as a jazz clarinetist. With his brother Lawrence and also Elliot Lawrence, he formed a teenage band which was featured on radio. For sixteen years, he toured in dance bands, and led his own sextet, big band, and quartet. He would later go on to assume the leadership of the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Joining ASCAP in 1960, his popular-song and instrumental compositions include "Warm Evening", "Strings Have Strung", and "Really Swell".

  • Birthday

    Feb 17, 1923
  • Place of Birth

    Camden, New Jersey, USA

Movies & TV Shows
