
The City and the Dead full movie is released on Dec 25, 2016. Watch The City and the Dead online - the English Crime movie from Australia. The City and the Dead is directed by Ryan Davies and created by Ryan Davies with Matt Rudduck and Dean Michael Smith.

MICHAEL is a dockworker, a drunk and a killer just caught with a witness still at large. He sits in a police interrogation room the morning after his arrest with a string of victims throughout a 1920's Sydney whose only thing in common is him, the man who took their life. WERNER sits on the other side of that table. He's an ambitious detective who caught a lucky break, but didn't need it. He wants this case solved because high rollers have political pull, even if they're dead and everyone loves a hero. As he digs deeper into Sydney's underbelly he begins to learn that while MICHAEL may have done what they say he did, he certainly isn't guilty. With WERNER exhuming a best-forgotten past while hunting a missing person-of-interest no one wants found, MICHAEL turns his attention to the present since what better pool of suspects and informants can be found than in a prison.

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As know as:

The City and the Dead

Release Date:

Dec 25, 2016





Production Companies:

Winter Pines Film Group

Official Site:

Official website


Not All Killers Are Guilty

Cast & Crew

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