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Save the Green Planet! (also know as Jigureul jikyeora!) full movie is released on Apr 04, 2003. Watch Save the Green Planet! online - the Korean Comedy movie from South Korea , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $15,516. Save the Green Planet! is directed by Joon-Hwan Jang and created by Joon-Hwan Jang with Shin Ha-kyun and Yun-shik Baek.

A traumatized young man abducts Korean leaders, believing they're toxic reptilian aliens - a fifth column launching a takeover of beloved Earth. Stumped law enforcement geniuses half-seriously hire a disgraced, disheveled private detective with a long-ago history of super-crime solving. The alienated South Korean youngster Lee Byeong-gu builds an isolated basement command post/torture chamber/film studio to force the awful truth out of the slimy, uncooperative politicians and businesspeople, then alert the public. Byeong-gu is helped by his devoted girlfriend, who buys his theories, but wonders if his horrible childhood has colored his thinking.

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As know as:

Jigureul jikyeora!, Jigureul jikyeora!, Soste ton Prasino Planiti!, 地球を守れ!, Save the Green Planet

Release Date:

Apr 04, 2003


South Korea



Production Companies:

CJ Entertainment, Sidus

Gross worldwide:



Perhaps you, are an alien?

Cast & Crew

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