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Baikonur full movie is released on Sep 01, 2011. Watch Baikonur online - the Russian Comedy movie from Germany , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $22,562. Baikonur is directed by Veit Helmer and created by Sergey Ashkenazi with Alexander Asochakov and Marie de Villepin.

Iskander, a young man living on the Kazakh steppes, finds French astronaut Julie after her capsule crashes. Julie now has amnesia, but Iskander convinces her they are engaged. (Russian with English subtitles)

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As know as:

Miłość z Księżyca, Baykonur, Baikonur, Байконур, Bajkonur

Release Date:

Sep 01, 2011


Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan


Russian, English, French

Production Companies:

Veit Helmer Filmproduktion, Tandem Pictures, Eurasia Film Production

Official Site:

Aramis Films (France)

Gross worldwide:


Cast & Crew

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